Wednesday, June 1, 2011

husaberg supermoto

husaberg supermoto. Husaberg_2010_Supermoto_
  • Husaberg_2010_Supermoto_

  • Doc750
    Apr 4, 11:42 AM
    A car that gets 60 mpg will do just as much 'damage' to a road surface as a car that get 8 mpg....but the 50mpg car will pay much, MUCH less for upkeep of that road than the other in a gas-tax based situation.

    so a prius does the same amount of damage to a road as full size RV?

    husaberg supermoto. berg 550 supermoto(for sale
  • berg 550 supermoto(for sale

  • uv23
    Aug 14, 10:12 AM
    Oh yea, that evidence is so convincing...sugar for flies, wow. It definitely still applies to humans and this situation as all metaphorical cliches are so undeniably true
    Of course it applies. Your assinine response has me thinking you're a jerk. Had you responded in a positive manner, even if disagreeing, my opinion of you would be entirely different. How's that for a simple real life example? Positivity is always preferable to negativity.

    husaberg supermoto. Moto Classic: Husaberg FS 650 Supermoto. Posted by admin on March 6, 2011 Leave a comment (0) Go to comments. Husaberg FS 650 Supermoto. husabergsupermoto
  • Moto Classic: Husaberg FS 650 Supermoto. Posted by admin on March 6, 2011 Leave a comment (0) Go to comments. Husaberg FS 650 Supermoto. husabergsupermoto

  • malnar
    Jan 4, 03:09 PM
    Why would you need GPS for a route you take daily? Traffic, I suppose...but still?
    That's 99% of my use for GPS apps - daily. They alert you to and try to route you around snarled traffic. If you aren't using an app that takes advantage of real-time traffic data, you are missing out on a very big part of the app's usefulness.

    husaberg supermoto. Husaberg 570. HUSABERG FE 570
  • Husaberg 570. HUSABERG FE 570

  • CalfCanuck
    Sep 25, 12:32 PM
    All 5G iPods with upgraded firmware to 1.2 can play the iTS movies just fine.
    I can display a 10,000 x 8.000 pixel picture on an iPod if I throw away 99% of the data as well. But why would you want to use such a huge file for no reason? Not only would it take up vast amounts of space, but you have to process all that "throwing away" info on the fly.

    The new videos take longer for you to download, use more storage space on the iPod, require the iPod to downsample at playback, and cost Apple more bandwidth.

    So why would Apple do all this if they weren't in fact planing to USE the new format on an iPod? Soem may say "it's for rregular Macs", but this size is too SMALL for to build a new standard for computers. So the only conclusion I can reach is that it has to be for a new iPod to come...


    husaberg supermoto. Husaberg 650 Supermoto.
  • Husaberg 650 Supermoto.

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Nov 22, 08:42 PM
    Anyone who pays that much to have a white iPhone is misguided, and dumb.

    husaberg supermoto. fs 570 supermoto husaberg 2010
  • fs 570 supermoto husaberg 2010

  • bruinsrme
    Apr 5, 08:09 AM
    yeah I can see his point.
    However there will be efforts to make it like a pc through accessorizing the device


    husaberg supermoto. SMCs and a Husaberg 650.
  • SMCs and a Husaberg 650.

  • jeremiah256
    Apr 28, 02:17 PM
    wtf? :confused:


    Sorry, it should have been 'pretty face'. See post #6. Didn't mean to freak you out!

    husaberg supermoto. Unofficial Husaberg • View
  • Unofficial Husaberg • View

  • rdowns
    Apr 14, 01:48 PM
    I guess we'll now hear Ballmer **** on data centers like he did the original iPhone. :D


    husaberg supermoto. husaberg supermoto bikesyamaha 80 atv
  • husaberg supermoto bikesyamaha 80 atv

  • gkarris
    Mar 30, 08:45 PM
    ^^^^ Yes, I just tried the one at Target, and the lighting and not to mention the fact I have to bend way over to play the unit (at kids' level) makes it hard on the eyes...

    I basically stuck a card on the counter and the game made some boxes appear on my counter. It then started doing things like making the counter look like it was warping and then made a dragon pop out which I was supposed to kill. I was surprised how well the gyroscope works - much better than the iPhone's. I also thought Face Raiders would be dumb and it was but it was also kinda fun, watching my kitchen wall explode into fragments.

    Are you sure it was the 3DS? ;)


    husaberg supermoto. Supermoto User
  • Supermoto User

  • ThunderSkunk
    Apr 5, 08:03 PM
    There it is!

    And you guys thought I was nuts for suggesting it.


    husaberg supermoto. Picture of SUMO #1 Husaberg
  • Picture of SUMO #1 Husaberg

  • SFStateStudent
    Apr 14, 08:32 PM
    Maybe he wanted to give up his Mercedes Benz for a "TESLA" or a "ZipCar"...:D

    husaberg supermoto. Monte Frank Puts the Husaberg
  • Monte Frank Puts the Husaberg

  • topperdog
    Mar 24, 11:23 AM
    Airtunes has been awful since all the latest updates Apple has made. Fix the issues Apple created before adding more to the mix. Dropouts are Airtunes only quality now. Good idea, but it doesn't work very well at all.


    husaberg supermoto. ALSO, if you want to supermoto
  • ALSO, if you want to supermoto

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 24, 05:26 PM
    sweet :D welcome to the team in that case,

    sidenote, hmmm mines been fetching a new WU for the last half hour, my iStat is showing no net usage or downloads :S any ideas whats going on?

    hmm the log is showing no more work left :S i've just restarted F@H and selected the ' larger then 5Mb option ' but still nothing :S anyone else getting this?

    Restarting should fix it but it may cough a few times or you can get rid of the queue.dat file to get it going again. if you are using the terminal start it with "./fah6 -config" and when you get to the part where it asks if you want to change advanced setting say yes and use defaults for everything, except say yes to scientific wu's, and it should give you something to work on. Scientific wu's are alpha and beta stage wu's which could have problems but usually finish ok for me.

    husaberg supermoto. Husaberg supermoto#39;s
  • Husaberg supermoto#39;s

  • twoodcc
    Oct 10, 09:04 AM
    ehh.. you know wikipedia isn't always right, right?

    no one is


    husaberg supermoto. HUSABERG SuperMoto Force Cup
  • HUSABERG SuperMoto Force Cup

  • Applejuiced
    Dec 27, 07:11 PM
    That's beyond rediculous.
    NYC is banned?

    husaberg supermoto. Supermoto Junkie
  • Supermoto Junkie

  • Full of Win
    Mar 23, 03:46 PM
    Why don't they just use existing standards? RTSP, H.264/MPEG4 video and bonjour. There. No licensing required.

    But no.

    Apple pulls the "standards compliant" flag out of their asses only when it suits them. Boo.

    Apple is all for open standards...except when they are not.


    husaberg supermoto. Husaberg Italia Racing: report
  • Husaberg Italia Racing: report

  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 28, 08:59 AM
    Just the way the title is phrased though it lends support to the rumors that iOS will see a late summer / early fall release as opposed to June/July. We will see.

    I think you're right. haha.

    I wish I had the money to get the iPhone 5. Oh well.. I'll just have to wait until 2012 (and iPhone 6)

    husaberg supermoto. Unofficial Husaberg • View
  • Unofficial Husaberg • View

  • BanjoBanker
    Aug 14, 11:40 AM
    I have had several co-workers come by my office to ask me about Macs since the ads started to air. Two have made the switch and are rippingly happy about it. I hear comments like " iPhoto really does see my camera and open when I plug the USB cord in" and " Mail is so much easier than the e-mail on my PeeCee was" all the time. I believe that anyone who feels antagonized by the ads really needs to take a close look at themselves. After all. they are only ads. I have yet to meet a hard core Windows user who has taken offense at the ads. Our IT guys here are always razing me about Macs, but they think the ads are cool. I like to remind out IT director that he sort of looks like the PeeCee guy. In my humble opinion, the vast majority of folks out there realize that these are ADVERTISEMENTS and do not take any offense.

    husaberg supermoto. Husaberg Supermoto FS 650c
  • Husaberg Supermoto FS 650c

  • BenRoethig
    Oct 9, 04:10 PM
    Maybe it's just me, (and maybe this has been said before) but when I first got my "video capable" iPod, I was downloading music videos left and right. Then as soon as TV shows became available I got hooked on "Lost", "Battlestar Galactica" and more...but I quickly found out that the quality was not that great...

    I still ended up buying the DVD's of the shows that I really liked, and for those movies that I want on my iPod (for travel purposes) I simply convert them to iPod format, the quality is far better than anything you can download.

    Downloading may be convenient, but I will still run to the store for a hardcopy.

    And I agree with some earlier comments, once the HD/Blu-Ray war is over and the dust settles, I will begin rebuilding my video library with the winning format, because I can't imagine (yet) trying to download those files.

    You're far from alone.

    Mar 10, 08:29 PM
    I think I am going to do the University Park store since I have never been there and I have been to the Knox street store a lot.

    Probably get there around 1pm tomorrow hopefully the line won't be too bad.

    Mar 25, 10:07 AM
    I snagged an open box 16G from Best Buy for $388 all in last week.

    When this popped up I decided to pick one from VZ and return the Best Buy unit. While I was at Verizon rchecking out with their last 16G some other guy came in looking for one.

    Doing the math I was looking at saving $65 bucks minus the hassel of wiping and reboxing the thing; driving back to Bast Buy; loosing the six months no interest and setting up the new one. Not such a huge deal in my world so I offered it to the guy and he took it instead.

    Maybe I scored some karma points...


    Aug 14, 01:22 PM
    ...if you're selling soap.

    If you're selling computer platforms though, it's a major mistake. The days of the Amiga may be long behind us, but people do still feel strongly about their choice of computer, they do become personally attached to what they got, and this isn't like the car industry where there are so many manufacturers you can do a little spoofing of your competitors without anyone feeling it's directed at them.

    Car analogies are old hat so if you'll forgive me, I'll use a sports analogy instead. I don't really know sports, except to know that fans of teams tend to be just as irrational as fans of computer platforms. By which I mean the entire spectrum of fandom tends to be represented. But everyone does, in the end, whether it's a team or a computer platform, end up opinionated and either loving or hating it.

    Imagine the following. You're Apple's ad agency, and you've been hired by the Reds, the local sports team. A few miles away is the home of the Blues, and in your town, the Reds make up the team affiliation of about 80% of the population, with the Blues making up the other 20%. There's a degree of rivalry between the teams.

    The Reds want more people coming to their stadiums. They need increased revenue ticket sales. The only people to attract now are the Blues. The Blues obviously like your sport, otherwise they wouldn't have chosen a team in the first place, but they're not willing to consider, as yet, seeing Red team games. How do you attract Blue supporters?

    If you're Apple's ad agency, your ad goes something like:

    Blue: "I'm a blue player"
    Red: "And I'm a red player"
    Blue: "Duh. I can kick this ball, duh, look" (*kicks at ball several times, finally actually hitting it the 7th time*)
    Red: *smugly bounces a ball on knee* "Red scored the highest last season, and we're consistantly the best team"
    Blue: "Hey! Hey, watch this" *attempts to balance ball on nose, ball consistantly rolling off and away. Blue chases after ball*
    Red: *Kicks ball up, bounces on knee, headbutts it, and catches it with one hand behind him* "We have some really skilled players"

    (Ad continues ad-nausium. By which I mean it's an ad that makes you nauseous.)

    Now, another approach might be to run an ad that consists of a bunch of shots from your stadium. You show some pretty good playing, stuff people will find impressive and will have wished they saw. You show the Reds most often, but, hey, there are two teams in every game. In other words, instead of taking sides based upon the team, you show people that if they come to your stadium, they're going to have a good time. They're going to see some impressive playmanship. Even if it's not their team, there's reason for them to want to go and see the next game.

    Which type of ad would sway you? Which type of ad would get you to go to a stadium owned by your team's rival?

    The current "I'm a Mac" series doesn't work because it appeals to fanboism, but in doing so, it also ends up being fanboism's victim. It doesn't appeal to PC owners, it just cements existing Mac user's sense of superiority. Except me. I cringe every time I see them.

    Nov 21, 06:20 PM
    If you're in a warm room, for instance, you'll have much lower performance, since it requires the differential to work. Of course, maybe the information available isn't wholly accurate, but that's my understanding based on the description.

    And therein lies the failure of this idea as a simplifying concept:

    When do you need the fan on? When the processor heats up.

    Do you want the fan blowing harder or softer when the room is warmer? Harder.

    In other words, if I'm sitting out in the cool evening air, I hardly need the fan going at all as the coolness of the air is doing just fine pulling the heat from the CPU. If I'm sitting in 100-degree weather then that fan better be buzzing like a bee to get enough air past the heat sink to effect a suitable heat transfer.

    This works in just the opposite: In the cold air, there's a huge differential, so the fan is going full bore, annoying me and all my peace-and-quiet-loving neighbors. In the warm air, it slows to a crawl as the amount of electricity generated approaches the lower limit of sustaining power for the fan. Then it stops. Then my laptop heats up rapidly and the processor dies.

    So, you need two additional controls: a bleed for cases when this extra cooling is not necessary, and a backup fan for when it isn't sufficient.

    So, we haven't been able to simplify the problem at all, and instead are gaining the (very slight) power savings from not having to run this fan off our battery power (directly) in a mid-temp room. Seems like the R&D and per-unit costs put into this circuitry could be more wisely spent eking a few more milliwatts from the existing circuitry ...

    Feb 23, 06:41 PM
    At some point, parents have to take responsibility here.

    I would understand the government getting involved if there were no controls in place so this wouldn't happen. But this is ridiculous. Before handing a child a phone, computer, or remote control you should be aware of possible risks and be preactive about preventing them. It seems like it has become so easy now to just blame someone else.

    I'm with everyone else...the government has better things to do.